Real Madrid: A Zidane, ‘pavones’ and containment of expenses for the next season

Few reinforcements. The board of directors of Real Madrid, with Florentino Perez At the head, it follows a very clear and defined line of action in recent seasons and which speaks of contained spending and always trying to offset purchases with possible sales and, especially, with moderate salaries and within the set limit. And so it will continue for the next exercise.

They talk about revolutionsof players who are useless, of essential changes, but those who rule at Real Madrid are very clear that the squad has quality, youth and still a lot to prove. The idea is to undertake a great signing. In addition, of course, Fran García, already recovered from Rayo Vallecano, some player from the youth academy and some possible reinforcement, but never with superstar status.

It is destined to mark an era: Bellingham’s new great goal

The Bellingham case: out-of-market offers from City and Liverpool

Jude Bellingham It has been the great objective of which we were referring for months. The club has been working on his signing and taking the indicated steps at all times, but that unusual power shown by the Premier in the last winter market, is becoming clear again with the signing of the English player, since Manchester City and Liverpool have made separate offers out of the market.

In Valdebebas they think that the images from last weekend, with Real Madrid celebrating the world champion title and a good performance in the Champions League, should be the deciding factor so that the midfielder ends up accepting the white proposal to join his cause. If it is for money, the battle is very complicated.

From the Real Madrid They have tried everything, they have done, as MARCA said in its day, everything that was in their power, but now everything is in theirs. Bellingham. If money is the objective, there will be nothing to do, but if it is sporting ambition, a door is opened to the hope of Real Madrid. The white club manages alternatives, but what and where remain to be defined.

Now what remains to be determined is, in case Belingham is not the signingif the main objective is a midfield player. The renewals of Ceballos, Kroos and Modric They will have a lot to do with it, as well as the goodbye of Hazard and Mariano and the final decision around Asensio. The second insurance that will leave, the first remains to be seen, while the third is unknown. And it is that from the club they continue to see it as very difficult for players with a current contract and who do not count to end up accepting their departure from the entity . History repeats itself year after year.

Those who end their contract want to feel important

The philosophy set in motion by the Real Madrid He talks about signings with the headlines, with the sole objective of not creating a bad atmosphere. Today’s player doesn’t understand substitution and ends up showing it year after year. What’s more, even the renovations are happening. The first conversations started with those pending to stamp the signature, talk about feeling important as a primary factor.

This is the explanation of the reason why Real Madrid did not attend the winter market, nor did it do so last summer to sign players from a lower echelon. Therefore, this revolution that fans are asking for will have to wait or it will come with homegrown players in between, including Fran García.

From the main floor, he is very clear about it: containment of spending and taking advantage of the existing squad and the satellites that can reach the first team after assignments or sales with repurchase clauses. To this we must add what the quarry can contribute, which, as he said Charles Ancelotti last week, it’s a lot and good. The door is starting to get kicked down and someone is winning the ticket for the first team.


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