Premier League Weekend Schedule – Arsenal Can Recapture the Top 2.5 Hours, Liverpool’s Momentum Is Blocked by Dark Horses

BOLASPORT.COM – This weekend’s Premier League schedule will be an opportunity for Arsenal to win the top of the standings for 2.5 hours. As for Liverpool, they will be confronted by a dark horse team in order to maintain momentum.

The 2022-2023 Premier League will be held again this weekend after taking a break due to the European competition break.

Entering the 24th matchday, competition is getting more exciting, especially at the top flight.

Manchester City won the top of the standings from Arsenal.

This was confirmed after The Citizens defeated the Gunners with a score of 3-1 at the Emirates Stadium, Wednesday (15/2/2023) local time or early Thursday WIB.

Thus, Manchester City and Arsenal are now both collecting 51 points.

However, Arsenal still have one game in hand because they have only played 22 times.

Also Read: Despite the success of the Arsenal Coup, Man City is not worthy of being considered the favorite to win the Premier League

This weekend, Arsenal have the opportunity to temporarily win the top of the standings from Manchester City.

The reason is, Mikel Arteta’s team will open Matchday 24 by visiting Aston Villa’s cage at the Villa Park Stadium on Saturday (18/2/2023) local time or 18.30 WIB.


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