Ponte Novu: towards the great return of the hunting and fishing fair

A comeback is being prepared. A big comeback all the more. As announced in our columns last October, for the hunting and fishing fair of Ponte Novu, 2023 will be the year of recovery. After four years of sleep imposed by the health crisis, hunting and fishing enthusiasts will be able to gather againwithout any restriction, for the 17e edition of the emblematic event to be held on June 24 and 25 next in front of Ponte Novu station.

But first, the members of the Rustinu in festa association are responsible for preparing an expected return. Highly anticipated. “It’s a challenge that’s all the more complicated as we went four years without a fair. The priority this year is to successfully relaunch by following the old model. Innovations will come later”, launched the president of the association, Jean Brignole, to the members present Friday in the village hall for the first general assembly of the year. Among them, veterans of the organization but also new blood. Youth already involved in other associations in the municipality. “There is a real demand around this return. As much from hunters and fishermen, as from people in the region“, notes Jean Brignole.

READ ALSO.The Hunting and Fishing Fair returns to Ponte Novu

Festive reunions

This first general meeting of the year aimed to confirm certain points and make progress on others. If the entry will be free for the visitors, the price of the stands was fixed. “For 60 euros, exhibitors will have a tent of three meters by three with water and electricity for the two days of the fair“, specifies Jean Brignole. Objective: to come back strong by filling the fairground like the previous editions which counted “between 50 and 60 exhibitors”, recalls the president of the association. Places are still available and the association is calling on exhibitors to join the ranks. A single and unique bar will be available on the site and will be managed by the members of the association. On the catering side, several stands should be present. “Only people from the micro-region and with two watchwords: to make quality and provide food for everyone”, warn the members of the association. On Saturday evening, after a concert provided by the group E Porte led by the local child Carlotta Rini, a ball will prolong the evening. The year 2023 will mark the return of falconers, archery, woodcarving, fishing demonstrations and hunting dogs. “We have motivated people, enthusiasts who are waiting for the return of the fair and the hunting and fishing federations who support us. There is no reason why it should not be a success”concludes, confident, Jean Brignole.

Information and reservation of stands: [email protected] or


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