Naples +18 on Inter, here’s when and where they could celebrate the Scudetto

The Napoli Scudetto is getting closer and closer. Now they are even 18 points ahead of runners-up Inter – the Nerazzurri fall on the Bologna field – and therefore in the city we are already starting to do the calculations to understand when the arithmetic will arrive and therefore when it will be possible to celebrate without any fear. At the moment, Napoli have a five-game lead over Inter and then from calendar the decisive match could be that of May 3 away on the Udinese field. The day will be number 33. Why five and not six?

Naples, the calculation for the victory of the Scudetto has started

Because the return match with Inter that could lead is in the balance the points to be virtually 17 with victory already in the first leg for the nerazzurri. With equal points, in fact, the direct clashes are evaluated. Of course, that’s just an arithmetic prediction. Greater certainty will only be available in the next few days. Napoli is aware of the fact that the points away from their rivals, from the second, could even increase and therefore it is not certain that we will arrive in May due to the arithmetic. An extraordinary championship for the Azzurri topped off by the umpteenth victory obtained on the Empoli field.

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