Milan, Pioli towards Turin: “The criticisms are right, we will do something different. Ibra? Almost no autonomy”

Il Milan Of Pegs he is going through a very difficult moment. 2023 brought disappointments and negative results up to the change of form confirmed by the coach, but after three consecutive defeats in the league for the Rossoneri it’s time to react. The Torino of Juric: “A team that puts everyone in difficulty, but we have the desire to get out of this difficult moment – commented Pioli -. The criticisms are all welcome, we will do something different and aim for the first four places for this year” . Ibra he returns to the squad: “Almost no autonomy, but he wants to stay with us”.


Fans cut 1 million stadium attendances, what does it mean?

A big thank you for their passion. In the most delicate moment they are always there.

Ibra is ready to return: what should we expect?

Zlatan is doing better, his autonomy is almost nil, however, even if he has made some finishing touches. His role is that of a great player and a great motivator. He will be summoned because he wants to be with us.

What weeks have it been for Leao?

Leao is an important player for me and for the team, he knows it very well. Rafael came back from the World Cup and had to play immediately, then he lost his brilliance. We would have liked him to rest a little more but he is fine and motivated even though he is obviously happier when he plays.

With the three-man defense, does anyone risk their place?

There are no winning modules, but the way they are interpreted.

Do you regret not having Ibra in the Champions League list?

No, because at the moment it doesn’t have the autonomy we need. I control the attitude and commitment of my players, the rest is not up to me.

When did you decide to change the form? How do you respond to Sacchi’s criticisms?

I made my evaluations on all the journey done. At the moment I think that by changing we will find better bottom-up construction and a more solid defensive phase. The criticisms, like the praises, when you coach Milan are always exaggerated. Right now we’re not winning, I can’t expect compliments, but I don’t deny my path at all.

Is there a reason for the difficulties against Turin?

Against Toro they are always very annoying matches due to the way they play. We have to find solutions to make up for their pressure, with courage and moving well. We will do something different.

What makes you confident?

The attitude and commitment during the week in training. That’s why I’m always very positive.

How is the healing going between Maignan, Bennacer and Tomori?

Maignan is getting better every day, the scar is working but I don’t know when he can return. Bennacer and Tomori will not be available for Torino but should return for Tottenham.

Will there be any new tactics against Turin in the 3-5-2?

Each match has a different preparation. In the derby we agreed to stay lower, but there was no strong pressure on the opponent and then when we had the ball we built badly. We did badly in the first half, a little better in the second half.

How does Pioli react to this difficult moment?

I am very focused and motivated because I know who I am dealing with. I am serene. This is a moment that is part of football, it’s normal even if it’s more delicate than others. We have to believe in ourselves and have faith in the players because we are aware that we have to do more even if we won’t win the championship again which was our ambition. Now begins a new championship which means entering the top four. There are 17 games to go, we want enthusiasm, desire and determination.

What went wrong from training to competition in the last period?

On the pitch we had different perceptions than the one we tried. There are the opponents, the difficulties of the moment and everything.

What’s going on with Theo Hernandez? Thiaw ready to play?

For Theo, Leao’s speech applies, he returned after a short holiday and we didn’t want him to play right away. He has had a physiological drop that is there, then losing a World Cup final maybe he had an impact. He is fine and wants to prove his worth. I rely on Thiaw.

Is there a lack of determination in the group?

I’m always with the team even in the warm-up to understand the moment. Honestly it’s not like that, the boys have always warmed up as well as in training. Something went wrong in the game.

How does the module change affect the left axis?

Hernandez has already played full-time for France. Leao or Rebic are more free to vary around the field based on the solutions.

Why wasn’t another goalkeeper bought?

We have confidence in Tatarusanu and we think Maignan will be back in the team soon.

Will Milan maintain their identity in defense or will they change based on Juric’s choices?

We want to impose our way of playing regardless of who will play for Turin. Obviously it is necessary to know the characteristics of the opponent.

Summer purchases have not grown: is there a reason?

Because they are young and talented guys. Everyone forgets that Kalulu took two years, Leao went through several moments. These guys are talented, but everyone has their own path and times to him.

What offends you the most right now?

Honestly nothing, the criticisms are all there. Then I know what I have to do and that the players want to react. The only thing that interests me is that the players want to get out of it.


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