ITW/Le Mag – Titouan Droguet: “Playing Roland-Garros would be crazy” #Droguet #Titouan #Cherbourg #RolandGarros #ATP

The month of February Titouan Droguet was completely crazy… The word is even weak. Initially, the 21-year-old had planned to play two $25,000 at Antalya. But, with these destructive earthquakes which ravaged the south-east of the Turkey, the two appointments were logically canceled. Eager to play a few matches, the Frenchie urgently fell back on the Challenger of Cherbourg. Arrived late on Friday evening in the Channel, thea native of Villeneuve-Saint-Georges was able to engage in qualifying. The start of a goofy week. For Tennis Actu, Titouan looked back on his crazy week in Cherbourg. The opportunity also to meet a calm, determined, ambitious young boy… and who has a sister, also professional, Aubane Droguet870th in the world at the end of 2022.

Titouan Droguet talks about his performance in Cherbourg with Tennis Actu

Miraculous against Jurgen Briand, with an end to the match that made people talk, the Frenchie got out of qualifying and didn’t stop there. Uninhibited, Titouan then offered his best career victory by scalping John Millman. Not nothing. Imperial, drug continued the week of his life by successively beating Joris De Loore, Alexey Vatutin Then Antoine Escoffier. Quickly diminished in the final, injured in the adductor, the Frenchie still fell with honors against Gianluca Zeppieri, 7-5, 7-6(4). With this amazing journey, Titouan Droguet, who will be resting for about a month, is now 247th in the world and very well placed Race France from FFT, which allows obtaining a wild-card tableau or qualifications for Roland-Garros.

“I’m quite proud of myself, of the week achieved (…) I’ll enjoy later, there I’m a little sad about my physical condition”

Titouan, a few hours after your Cherbourg Challenger final lost against the Italian Zeppieri, how are you? What is the prevailing feeling?

I am quite proud of myself, of the week achieved. It’s always a bit tricky to end in defeat. I really hurt myself in the final and the exams weren’t good. I’m a little sad but I remember a lot of positive from the week. I’m happy with my level of play and I beat a lot of good players. I’ll savor later, now I’m a little sad about my physical condition. It makes me think about what’s next.

Can you say more about your physical condition and the duration of unavailability?

It’s not very clear… I did an ultrasound this morning (Monday), we can see a lesion in the adductor. I had it from the start of the game. There is a nice lesion. I’m going to do the MRI to see how long it took. I think there will be a good month before resuming in tournaments.

Would you have given up normally?

Yes in the first round, I think. I told myself that there was no match the next day. In the first round, I could not have played in a row. I didn’t think it was that serious. I thought it was a usual pain. I have no regrets. I gave it my all and it could have passed. I lose on a close score.

“I was supposed to play two tournaments in Antalya but both are cancelled. I look at the calendar, I see Cherbourg. I tell myself that I can take a flight and my parents’ car to go to Cherbourg…”

This week in Cherbourg has been completely crazy. From the start, crazy scenario against Jurgen Briand in qualifying? How did you experience this game? (Victory on penalty point)

The week is crazy because basically I’m in Turkey. I have travel galleys all over the place. It takes me 35 hours to go to Turkey, I ride a bus in the snow and there the tournament is cancelled. I find myself stuck there, I had to play two tournaments but the second is also canceled. I look at the calendar, I see Cherbourg. I tell myself that I can take a flight and my parents’ car to go to Cherbourg. I enter the painting. I have been training on land for 5 weeks. There was theft etc… I suspected that it was going to be complicated physically. Against Jurgen, I know it will be hard and the end of the match… I cramp, I save match points… At the tie-break, I see my ball go out and I don’t hear an announcement… Penalty point and… It was quite unlikely.

How do you feel right now? Can’t you celebrate?

My first feeling, I have a lot of sorrow for Jurgen. He’s a friend, he really was unlucky. I tried to calm him down a bit. I’m happy to pass but… The ball, I see it a little off but it’s not that far away. We will never know. I’ve seen people attack Jurgen with screenshots but we don’t see anything… We’ll never know.

Then, the victory against John Millman, your best, against a player who beat Federer in the past, what does that represent?

I play liberated. I have no more pressure. I could have been out in the first round of qualifying. The guy is better than me, I play without pressure, as an outsider. I play a great match against him. It’s diminished at the end but I feel I’m playing really well. It made me realize that I could beat those players.

Did you feel something special from the start of the week, a particular feeling on the court?

I thought it was already my week. I qualify, I beat Millman in a night session in a nice atmosphere. It was amazing for me who plays a lot of Futures. I had so much fun… Before the tournament, I was afraid of everyone and after Millman, I tell myself that anything is possible.

“In life, those who know me know that I like to joke, to chamber. I like games and challenges”

What’s also beautiful is that a lot of people are still discovering you. How would you describe yourself to those who have just met you?

Regarding my game, I’m quite a good server and a guy who likes to hold back. Lots of forehand topspin and I defend a lot. In my attitude, I did a lot of work on myself to improve my behavior. I am calm now. In life, those who know me know that I like to joke around. I like games and challenges.

It must also be said that you have a little sister on the circuit, Aubane, whom the regulars of Tennis Actu have been able to follow since the Juniors. What a family !

It helped both of us to play tennis. We have a brother who is -2/6. We help each other and advise each other. On vacation, we can train together and boost each other. It’s nice. The tournaments where we were together, it was really nice. I am convinced that it brought me to have a family in tennis. My brother accompanies me a lot in tournaments. These are supports on which we can rely. It is important.

How did you get into tennis?

My mother played, she went up to 0. My brother played when I was little. I went through the stages little by little and it became what it has become.

Tennis Actu met Aubane Droguet, sister of Titouan, in 2019

“It’s a dream. Besides, I live near Paris. Playing in front of all my relatives at Roland, it would be crazy if I can do it”

What did you have in mind before starting 2023? Does this accomplishment make you revise your goals upwards?

Before starting 2023, I wanted to play Grand Slam qualifiers. It’s not yet acquired so I still have that in mind but I can aim a little higher. I don’t have a ranking goal. I want to train hard and give myself the maximum chance of succeeding.

A Challenger title is definitely in the back of your mind.

Yes of course. Already since last year and my titles in 25,000. It would have made me happy to win in Cherbourg. I hope to have other opportunities to win one.

You are 247th this week, at the end of the cut for the Grand Slam qualifiers. Above all, you are 5th in the FFT Destination Roland-Garros ranking which allows you to have a wild card for the big picture. Do you dream of it?

Honestly, I hadn’t seen. I don’t know who is in front and I don’t know well.

It is a Race on determined tournaments. Greg Barrère and Arthur Fils are in front of you but may not need an invitation. You are a candidate.

Afterwards, in my programming, I didn’t plan to play in France so much. I’m not going to play for the wildcard only. I’m going to do my thing for the rankings, win matches and if there’s a wild card that slips in, great. I will not do my programming accordingly. I prefer to play on clay. I’ll try to go by my ranking.

Roland-Garros, what does it represent to you?

It is a dream. Besides, I live near Paris. Playing in front of all my relatives at Roland, it would be crazy if I can do it. Playing in big stadiums, that’s what I train for.

What would fill you in 2023?

Winning Roland… No I’m kidding! (smile) A Challenger title, doing the three Grand Slams in qualifying and coming out of these qualifications at Roland, that would be incredible.


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