Inter-Udinese 3-1, Lukaku unlocks it then equalizes Lovric. In the second half, the Nerazzurri went wild

Inter flies on the wings of LuLa, crashes Udinese 3-1 (but only in the second half) and flies to 47 points in the standings, behind Napoli. The best possible starter before the round of 16 of the Champions League against Porto, even if the Nerazzurri conceded and suffered too much between the first and second goals. In his second consecutive as starter, Big Rom returns to the goal he has been missing in the league since last August 13, after a yellow penalty: Silvestri saves the Belgian’s first shot, but Masina enters the area before the serve (and intervenes by releasing the ball), Dionisi makes them argue, and Lukaku is not wrong the second time. Do it cleanly (but you need a Var consultation to see it) in Walace’s area on Dumfries.

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Udinese stayed in the game, and in the first half final they turned up to take advantage of a bad loss from Lukaku: Pereyra relaunched the counterattack with the Nerazzura defense late, Lovric burst in and placed it under the crossbar. Inzaghi sees the ghosts of Sampdoria again, the game becomes confused with constant reversals in the face and risks getting bogged down on a draw. But this time Mkhitaryan takes the chair (out shortly after due to injury), very good at closing a first action with Calhanoglu and Dimarco for the 2-1 which leaves no way out for Silvestri. Udinese has none left, only one win in the last 15 games for Sottil, and after a badly wasted spoon Lautaro scores the 3-1 which closes the game, with a dedication to his Agustina’s “big belly”


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