Instituto becomes strong in the Women’s Basketball League

Instituto is making history in women’s basketball in the country: for the first time, a team from the Province of Córdoba is participating in the National Women’s League and is doing so with great success. The ‘Glorious’ got into the playoffs and will play the semifinals of the Northern Conference against Montmartre de Catamarca.
The semifinals of each conference will be the best of three games and in the 1-2 format. The first match will be on Saturday, February 25 at the Ángel Sandrin, while the second will be played on Saturday, March 4 in the neighboring province. In the event of a tie in the series, the defining match will take place the following day, Sunday, March 5.

“The objective is to try to go as far as possible and leave the club in the best position in the final table in this first participation in the League,” said Cecilia Acevedo, point guard of the ‘glorious’. In the League, Instituto presented a team with players trained in Cordovan basketball and brought five basketball players who arrived as reinforcements from Buenos Aires, Rosario, Paraná and Corrientes.
There are eight players who are not from Córdoba, although they have been living in Córdoba for some time, either for sport or study. For example, ‘Chechu’ Acevedo and Andrea Alfaro –from Formosa and Jujuy, respectively– have been playing in Córdoba for several years. They were even pillars of the General Paz Juniors team that in 2021 was champion in the Provincial League.

‘Palo’ Alfaro told PROFILE CÓRDOBA that “this present from the Institute means a lot. Juan Cruz (Atiade built a very solid foundation and that’s good. We’ve all been working for this goal for a long time. It was a dream and it came true. All my teammates who played together in Juniors prepared ourselves physically and mentally for this, in addition to the work with the nutritionist Antonela Ninin. And it was achieved, we fulfilled the objective of forming the first women’s team of Córdoba in the League. We are happy because the Institute trusted in this project”.

The psychologist Camila Rivata and Atiade himself were essential for this project to become so strong and achieve the results that are being seen. By the way, the manager of the team said: “We are going to play the semifinal, which is a very good first step, considering that it is the first League. It has been a point of learning, we are aware that we still need to grow and learn a lot in the competition. More than half of the squad are rookie players and it is no small thing. insert players
It is part of the project and they are doing very well, they have performed and it is good news for the development of women’s sport”.

Analysis. “As virtues we can say that we were always patient and persevering. We had a good start in the first part of the league and then a bump in which we could not recover, but we kept pushing forward and we were able to recover and meet the first objective, which was to qualify for the playoffs”, said Acevedo, who in Córdoba He also played in Athens, Las Palmas,
University and Juniors.

HAPPINESS. “I am happy to be part of it and be able to play at ‘home’, because I always had to go to other provinces to play,” said Andrea ‘Palo’ Alfaro.


Beyond that there is still a lack and there are expectations of continuing to grow and overcome stages, in Alta Córdoba they understand that the balance of Instituto’s participation in the Women’s National League is positive and will open doors. Within this framework, Juan Cruz Atiade, manager of the ‘Gloriosa’, considered: “The balance, so far, is that we are where we thought we could be. Maybe we expected to win a few more games in the regular season, but we met our first objective, which was to qualify for the playoffs directly. The results are positive.”

Chechu Acevedo

EXPERIENCE. Cecilia Acevedo, a benchmark for this red-and-white squad.

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