Inefi and Fedojudo sign agreement to promote sport

The National Institute of Physical Education (Inefi) and the Dominican Judo Federation (Fedojudo) signed an inter-institutional agreement, through which both entities commit to collaborate in different areas; encourage the practice, teaching and promote the discipline of martial arts as a curricular sport of the Ministry of Education.

The agreement was signed by the executive director of the Inefi, Alberto Rodriguez Mellaand Gilberto García Piña, president of Fedojudowho will coordinate, supervise, develop and implement joint activities aimed at generating and strengthening technical and productive capacities, necessary for the practice of judo in the different national tournaments and intercollegiate events.

After defining the agreement as historic, Rodríguez Mella maintained that it will contribute to developing and encouraging judo (within physical education) in public and private schools. While García Piña stated that this agreement would be of great benefit to the teaching and technical staff of schools and colleges in the country.

“Our task, by instruction of President Luis Abinader Corona, is to carry out this type of action and work based on good values, good customs and the discipline that a sport like judo provides,” said Rodríguez Mella, who added that for the institution “it is an honor to be able to mount the platform that Gilberto García has had for a long time, taking judo to world levels and taking many young people off the street, not only in the capital, but at a national level.”

For his part, García Piña highlighted that “for the judo family, the acceptance of the Inefi, headed by its director Alberto Rodríguez and it is a great joy to sign this agreement, since we have believed in school judo, in school sports. And the idea of ​​being here is that we have been monitoring it since 2014 and we had not received a response from this institution with the previous directors, but today we are concluding a yes that our friend and ally Alberto Rodríguez gave us”.

The agreement highlights that within the functions for which the Inefi there is “the task of coordinating, promoting and organizing the practice of School Physical Education in all educational centers in the country, both public and private, through the incentive of exercise, school sports, gymnastics and recreation”.

“Good is imitated, good is copied and that is why today we are intertwining this agreement to copy the good that judo has done in the Dominican Republic, which has put the name of this country on high in many international competitions,” Rodríguez reiterated. Nick.

García Piña also recalled that this agreement is tripartite between the Inefithe Dominican Judo Federation and the International Judo Federation, directed by Marius Vizer, which will provide help, training for monitors, among other facilities.

“We are going to be willing to demonstrate that this project is a reality and that the results that we are going to have in young people are what Dominican society needs at this time. Judo is discipline, judo is respect, judo is a lifestyle and achieving goals is determined by this martial art”, García Piña affirmed.

In an official document, it indicates that both institutions agree to join efforts and resources within the scope of their respective competences, to establish the bases of a mutual collaboration for the development of judo in the educational centers of the country, “with a view to achieving their goals and rational use of its resources.

In this sense, Rodríguez recalled that the Inefias a decentralized body of the Dominican educational system, attached to the Ministry of Education (MINERD), was created to plan, direct and promote School Physical Education, Sports and Recreation programs for all children, youth and adults, who are taught in the educational centers, as well as executing plans with the same purpose.

The pact between both institutions recognizes that the monitors, coaches, as well as the practice of judo in educational centers are under the sole and exclusive rectory of the Inefiin accordance with the legal regime in force, and that the work of the Fedojudo is to recommend or suggest in relation to the development of the discipline of judo, “but they will not be understood as mandatory compliance by the Inefi”.

The institutions will make exchanges of personnel for specific programs of mutual interest and the statistics will be developed, kept and updated, regarding the compliance of the monitors, coaches and athletes, and the official records must be under the supervision of the Fedojudo.

The institutions involved will develop follow-up programs for coaches, monitors and athletes, in order to obtain scholarships at local and foreign universities for those who manage to excel in that sport.

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