Heart of the Jura: Olymp’sport: 85 licensees | Weekly 39

François Olagnero, French archery champion.

The sports association “Olymp’Sport Loisirs” offering sports activities (leisure or competitive) to people with mental and/or psychological disabilities now has 85 members of Esat d’Arbois, Salins and Cramans.
During the general meeting on January 30, President Denise Jeanneau took stock of last season, highlighting the many podiums, including François Olagnéro, French archery champion; Lucia Catallo 2e in the French judo championship and the qualification of the women’s and men’s handball teams for the French championships in Bruges from February 10 to 12.
The president underlined the work of these athletes with disabilities who ” demonstrate a desire to win equal to all athletes. These physical and sporting activities are essential vectors that put them on the road to encounters and communication. It is important to promote a sports policy for all these beautiful integrations that we are experiencing. Our athletes are very often invited to blend in with the mass of other athletes. And when they join, as some say, the ordinary environment is already a first victory for them. »

(2nd from left) “La Madeleine”, vMadeleine Guyennet, a still dynamic octogenarian treasurer.

2023 objectives

Regarding handball, the association aims to guarantee the survival of men’s and women’s teams by having them participate in regional competitions and qualifying them for the French championships. In addition, it seeks to stimulate activity in the Jura region. Similarly, the association wishes to maintain and strengthen existing partnerships, develop the practice of football in a diversified way and take part in regional and national championships in all sports disciplines.
The general assembly ended on a positive note since René Molin, departmental councilor announced greater aid from the department towards disabled sports associations and Cathy Bugada confirmed the support of the town of Arbois.


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