He is removed on a stretcher and with oxygen

The scene made everyone tremble and the passage of time increased nerves. Azpilicueta was still lying on the ground after a terrible kick from Sekou Mara. Azpilicueta was left lying on the field of play and the Chelsea players quickly called for the assistance team, who spent several minutes attending to the player.

Time passed very slowly without anyone knowing from the stands what was happening. The footballer lying on the grass and the doctors assisting him in front of everyone who didn’t know how it was going to end. After a wait that lasted almost ten minutes, Azpilicueta left the field on a stretcher, with his name chanted by the ‘Blues’ fans and with a mask that supplied him with oxygen.

Chelsea have lost their match against Southampton. The rich English team is having real football problems, despite the money invested this winter. But the kick and the image of Azpilicueta on a stretcher has left everything behind.


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