Grana Padano becomes Sponsor of the Games – Sport & Society – Kévin Bernardi

After the successive commitment of partners announced since the beginning of 2023, it is clear that the Organizing Committee for the Milan-Cortina 2026 Winter Games is continuing its momentum, by formalizing this week the arrival of the Protection Consortium Grana Padanoas Sponsor of the event.

Andrea Varnier, General Manager of the Milan-Cortina 2026 Winter Games Organizing Committee, and Renato Zaghini, President of the Grana Padano Protection Consortium, Tuesday February 14, 2023 (Credits – Milano Cortina 2026)

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Andrea Varnier, General Manager of the Milan-Cortina 2026 Winter Games Organizing Committee, and Renato Zaghini, President of the Grana Padano Protection Consortium, Tuesday February 14, 2023 (Credits – Milano Cortina 2026)

Lhe momentum finally seems there.

After the uncertainties of last year which led to the departure of Vincenzo Novari from his position as Director General of the Organizing Committee of the next edition of the Winter Games, Milan-Cortina 2026 intends catch up regarding the structuring of its Partner Program.

Two contracts have been unveiled in recent weeks, the first with Herbalife Nutritionet the second with the company Eniwhich on this occasion became the very first Partner Premium of the 2026 Olympics. Quite a symbol.

Building on this momentum, a new sponsor entered this Tuesday, February 14 among the partners of the planetary event in preparation in the North of Italy.

Under the impetus of new Managing Director, Andrea Varnierthe organizers have indeed announced that they have signed a cooperation agreement with the Consortium for the Protection of Grana Padano.

The latter – which protects the most consumed PDO cheese in the world, the production of which amounted to more than 5.2 million wheels in 2021 – joins the adventure as Sponsor of the Games, being one of the levels of the Partner Program developed by Milan-Cortina 2026, with the aim of being an ambassador of Italian taste and a promoter of transalpine gastronomy.

As the President of the Consortium, Renato Zaghini, pointed out in this regard:

It is a great emotion for Grana Padano to be part of the team of supporters of the Organizing Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games Milan-Cortina 2026.

[Ce sera] a unique moment, a unique event, and a source of great pride for our country. An opportunity also to share the fundamental principles of sport, such as commitment, passion, and generosity, which are the same values ​​that have contributed to making Grana Padano an excellent PDO that has always been an ally for healthy eating. sports enthusiasts.

Beyond the values ​​of sport, the Consortium intends above all to share with the Organizing Committee the principles of environmental, economic and social sustainability, all the more so considering the territories called upon to host the Olympic and Paralympic events in 2026, on horseback between urban and mountainous areas.


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