good results for the Volant Salanquais

Youngsters and adults achieved great performances during their last weekend of competition.

The weekend of February 11 and 12 was very busy for the Volant Salanquais players with a youth department tournament and an adult department tournament in Bages and a stage of the youth regional circuit in Albi.

Among young people, 22 children from the club took part in this 4th stage of the young departmental trophies in Bages. The results put the club first in the club rankings (out of 10) with four wins, three second places and five third places. In Albi, 4 young people from the club were selected to represent the department committee during stage 3 of the regional youth circuit. With a final and a quarter-final, the youngsters brilliantly represented the club and gained experience.

Among adults, nine players had registered for the adult departmental trophy in Bages. With one victory and two third places, they put the club in 5th place out of 13. Congratulations to all the players for their great performances.

For young people : in Bages, winners Leanne Kreit Dumotier as the youngest, Arthur Scelles as the youngest, Camille Morera as the youngest, Ludovic Morera as the youngest; finalists Maelia Lobjeois as the youngest, Glen Morat as the youngest, Nolhan Vinuesa as the junior; 3rd Paola Servole as the youngest, Inès Garcia as the youngest, Gabrielle Piret as a minimum, Maxime Cuevas as a minimum, Yoan Vargas as a junior.

In Albi, finalist Jules Doreau as a chick.

In adults: in Bages, victory for Aurélie Derville and David Verrhiest in mixed doubles series 4; third places for Déborah Devrainne in women’s singles series 2 and Elisa Maussang and Yann-Emmanuel Hamon Roussel (Font-Romeu) in mixed series 1.


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