gold and silver for Eclaron

Five members of the 1re Compagnie d’Arc d’Eclaron, the only representatives from Haut-Marne, took part, on Sunday February 12, in the adult regional championship in Pont-à-Mousson (Meurthe-et-Moselle). Claudine Ménissier and Jean-Luc Chevillion gleaned gold and silver there.

One hundred and sixty-six archers from the Grand Est region were gathered on the shooting range. In recurve seniors “2”, Jean-Luc Chevillion, who had achieved the best score in qualifications, with 559 points, won the silver medal, losing in the final (6-2) against Régis Maugin (Mourmelon- great). In this same category, Emmanuel Perny ranked seventeenth. In seniors “3” recurve, Claudine Ménissier won the regional title by beating (6-2) in the final Nadine Stirchler (Einville). The Eclaronnaise had achieved the best score in qualifying with 493 points.

In seniors “2” compound bow, Christophe Keller, eliminated in the round of 16, finished in ninth place.

In seniors “3” compound, Jacky Soudant ranked sixth after being knocked out in the quarter-finals.

From our correspondent AJ


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