Gijs Brouwer continues his advance and reaches the main tournament in Marseille | Tennis

Gijs Brouwer has reached the main draw at the ATP tournament in Marseille. In the second and final qualifying round, the 26-year-old Brouwer was 6-1, 6-4 too strong for the Italian Raul Brancaccio, who was placed first in the qualifications.

In the main tournament, the number 3 in the Netherlands will compete against the Swede Elias Ymer, the global number 172.

Brouwer caused a sensation in Rotterdam last week, where he reached the last eight on a wild card. In the quarter finals he was eliminated on Friday evening by Tallon Greek track. Brouwer received a wild card from tournament director Richard Krajicek at the last minute in Ahoy.

Brouwer is number 116 in the world since Monday, the highest ranking of his career.


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