Gema Peñalosa, about Yasin Kanza: “The same day he attacked, they were watching him”

  • The journalist Gema Peñalosa investigated the attack by Yasin Kanza

  • “I was being watched since June,” he explains

  • “He self-indoctrinated in a month”

Yasin Kanza he killed a Sacristán in Algeciras, assuring that he was acting in the name of Allah. Gema Peñalosa, a journalist from El Mundo, reveals in ‘Horizonte’ more information about this man and his behavior since he arrived in Spain:

He arrives in Algeciras in June. He settles in a marginal neighborhood taken over by drug trafficking, human trafficking, sexual exploitation… The police go there a lot to monitor and from the beginning it caught the attention of the agents”, he explains.

“They have been following him since June for his aggressive behaviors. The judge says it was an express self-indoctrination in a month and a half. When he radicalized himself, he did it self-taught. He was dedicated to shouting at the women in the street who were not wearing a veil, he went with a black djellaba to prayer when they usually wear colorful djellabas…That was drawing the attention of the police“, says the journalist.

“The day of the attacks they had watched him that same morning. This man was a loose verse, a jarring element because the Muslim community of Algeciras was very peaceful”.


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