From athletics to cycling and acrobatic flying: the sporting events scheduled for 2023 in the Modena area – SulPanaro

Lots of confirmations, but also lots of news, for another year of great sport in Emilia-Romagna. Emotions and entertainmentbut also precious opportunities for aggregation and inclusion. Big events of interactional appeal, but also dozens and dozens of local appointments which will feature the local communities. And special attention to paralympic disciplinesai young and allo women’s sport. As they continue and grow the multi-year agreements with various National sports federations.

It was presented in Bologna by the president of the Region Stefano Bonaccini, il sporting events calendar 2023. About a hundred appointments for a cartellone in progressbecause there are many associations and federations that are still presenting their proposals these days.

Basketball, soccer, cycling, track and field, volleyball, tennis, rugby, baseball, motorcycling and motor racing. Numerous disciplines are present, including some peculiarities and new entries such as the chessboxing, with the World Championships taking place from 28 October to 2 November in Riccione. And – in September – i Rowing World Championships Dragon Boats in Ravenna and the Europeans of acrobatic gliding, in Pavullo nel Frignano (MO).

A billboard, which, between January and February 2023, has already seen the Volleyball Women’s Italian Cup Final Four at the Unipol Arena in Casalecchio di Reno (BO) and the Men’s and women’s Italian handball Cup Final Eight in Rimini. Or, again in Bologna, the great artistic ice skating show by Bol On Ice.

“Following the signing of the agreement for the Grand Start of the Tour de France in 2024, today we confirm and relaunch our commitment to the sport. The facts are proving us right and Emilia-Romagna’s reputation as a region capable of hosting and organizing important events is a source of pride and satisfaction for us. Aware that sport is also a great opportunity to enhance the area with important repercussions on tourism and economics – he said Bonaccini. But let us not forget the educational and social value of sport and the general importance it has for our communities. For our kids in particular who must all have the opportunity to practice motor activity. The space that we have reserved for Paralympic sport in this calendar goes in this direction, as does the commitment we are carrying out for the redevelopment of the network of sports facilities”.

And just to accurately measure theeconomic impact of sporting events organized in Emilia-Romagna, the Region has commissioned a research on 2022, the results of which will be presented by the end of the summer.

“This billboard confirms the Region’s attention to all disciplines, more and less widespread, strengthens the commitment to the Paralympic ones and to women’s sport – he added Giammaria Manghi head of the political secretariat of the Presidency of the Region and coordinator of sports policies –. Among this year’s novelties is the three-year agreement with the Italian Rugby Federation and with the sports group of the Carabinieri. Two agreements that will allow us to strengthen our ability to plan events in the area”.

The big events

The Emilia-Romagna Sport Valley it is also confirmed in 2023 as the region of major international events: from Grand Prix of Emilia-Romagna and Made in Italy Of F1on May 21 atEnzo and Dino Ferrari racetrack in Imola; at the test of the Superbike World Championship Emilia-Romagna Round from 2 to 4 June at Marco Simoncelli circuit in Misano Adriatico (RN); al Moto GP Grand Prix of San Marino and the Rimini Rivierafrom 8 to 10 September, again at the Simoncelli.

A “hat-trick” of motoring disciplines to which the Davis Cup tennis which from 11 to 17 September returns to Bologna, after last year’s debut, with one of the four groups of the final phase. And the Men’s Giro d’Italia that – pending the Great departure Florence – Emilia-Romagna of the Tour de France 2024 – will not fail to attract the many fans of this sport with the two stages Savignano sul Rubicone (FC) – Cesena of 14 e Scandiano (RE) – Viareggio (LU) of 16 May.

Without forgetting, on August 29, the opening ceremony and the inaugural match of the Men’s Volleyball European Championships at the Unipol Arena in Casalecchio di Reno, with the Italian national team world champions and the always eagerly awaited appointment with the triathlon of Ironman Emilia-Romagna, on September 16 at Cervia.

Women’s sport

2023 will be, in Emilia-Romagna, an important year for women’s sport, increasingly practiced and followed. Starting with the big projectEmilia-Romagna home of the women’s national rugby team” with it Lanfranchi stadium in Parma which will frame the matches of the tournament between March and April Six Nations women’s: Italy-France, Italy-Ireland, Italy-Wales.

Parma will also host a ATP 250 women’s tennis tournamentwhile it will still be Emilia-Romagna, in a location still being defined, that will welcome the withdrawal of the Bayern Munich women’s soccer team.

Paralympic sport

They are called Play the Games and are an appointment with various Paralympic disciplines promoted by the organization Special Olympicsin program a Salsomaggiore Terme (PR) from 10 to 16 April. The continuation of a commitment by the Region which will soon see the birth of a Castelnuovo Montiin the heart of the Reggio Apennines, the new Federal Center of Italian Federation of Deaf Sports (FSSI).

A Modena, in October, i Italian championships promoted by Italian Federation of Paralympic and Experimental Sports. Going through the two appointments of Tricolor goalthe relay race for Paralympic athletes born from an idea by Alex Zanardi which this year will connect Italy and France passing on 15 and 16 September between Reggio Emilia and Parma.

Marathons and cycling Gran Fondo

In 2023, Emilia-Romagna is consecrated land of Great cycling fund. A real brand that combines sport and tourism and which the Region will take care of the promotion, strong of good 12 appointmentsespecially spring, from Nine Hills of Cesenaticoat the Gran Fondo of Cervia Saltal Gran Fondo del Po Ferraraat the Ten Hills of Bologna, at the Gran Fondo Pantaniat the Matildica Gran Fondo of Reggio Emilia, UCI World Series stage.

2023 also sees the confirmation of the four Emilia-Romagna marathons: Rimini Marathon (March 26th) Parma Marathon (October 15), Ravenna Marathon (November 12) Marathon Reggio Emilia (December 10), under the aegis of the “Emilia-Romagna Maratone” brand.

Sporting events of 2023 in the province of Modena

«We are proud of the contribution that Modena will be able to offer in the local sports panorama because we strongly believe that the coordinated promotion of these events represents a decisive growth factor for the entire regional tourism system. Athletics, bowling, acrobatic flying, swimming, are sports and disciplines capable of attracting enthusiasts and onlookers from all over the country and we are certain that through the work of the Bologna-Modena Tourist Territory, they will be a success, enriching a unique offer in Italy for the quality and number of international sporting events such as those scheduled for 2023″.

It’s the comment of Fabio Braglia, president of the Province of Modenawho participated on Tuesday 14 February in Bologna at the press conference of
presentation of the 2023 sporting events of the Bologna-Modena tourist area, together with the councilor for sport Roberta Li Calzi, the head of the Political Secretariat of the Presidency of the Emilia Romagna Region Giammaria Manghi, the president of the Bologna-Modena tourist area Mattia Santori.

Per Braglia «Systemising these events is essential for adequate promotion and the Province of Modena, together with Bologna, is demonstrating that this is possible. We expect a growth in tourism in our area over the next few years, also thanks to these enhancement initiatives, which we intend to support in the future as well”.

Among the appointments scheduled in the Modena area, there will be the senior European bowling championships from 24 June to 1 July, in Modena, the European acrobatic flying championships in Pavullo nel Frignano, from 3 to 17 September, the national under 23 athletics finals on 30 September and 1 October, at the municipal athletics field in Modena and the cycling tour of Emilia on 30 October.

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