Football: “Everyone is shot”, the reactions after Rodez-Bastia

Didier Santini, Thomas Secchi, and Régis Brouard passed in front of the press, Saturday evening, after the meeting.

Didier Santini, coach of Rodez

Bastia had more vice than us, and it paid off. After this match, everyone is shot. It’s like that, we have to bounce back tomorrow morning, because we have two matches to come on Wednesday, against Toulouse, and Saturday, against Niort. Nobody really advanced this weekend, so maybe the maintenance will be played with less points than expected.

Régis Brouard, coach of Bastia

The perfect match does not exist, but we had a solid match in many areas. We knew they could be dangerous in the air, and we mastered this aspect of the game relatively well. We were solid, diligent and serious. We always offered something when we went forward, and I think it’s very painful for the opponents.

Thomas Secchi, goalkeeper of Rodez

The main thing today (Saturday), it was not my second pro match. We wanted to get a good result at home. And that wasn’t the case… It’s hard, because you work and you don’t get rewarded.


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