EU: Regardless of the coal on his face, a miner takes his son to basketball after work

The wife told on her Facebook that that day of the basketball game, her husband started work at 4:45 in the morning and finished at 6 in the afternoon, he ran as fast as he could to get to the game on time.

When leaving work, a miner took his son to a basketball game. The story went viral because a photo was shared on social networks where the man is seen in his work uniform and his face stained with charcoal.

Because of time, it was impossible for the father to return home to change his clothes and decided to attend the event, even if it was “somewhat dirty.” He was interested in spending quality time with his son.

John Calipari, coach of the basketball team from the University of Kentucky, published the photograph in social networks. He identified with the family scene between father and son during the game at Appalachian Wireless Arena in Pikeville, United States.

“My family’s American dream It started in a Clarksburg, West Virginia, coal mine. So this image hits home,” Calipari wrote on Twitter.

Coach explained that the miner finished his shift At work, he rushed to pick up his son to take him to the basketball game.

After the image went viralMollie McGuite appeared, miner’s wife Michael. Later, her wife told on her Facebook that that day of the basketball game, her husband went to work at 4:45 in the morning.

He finished working at the mine before 6 p.m. Michael the miner ran as fast as he could to pick up his family and arrive on time to the basketball game.

He looks tired from working all day, but he’s still engaged and showing up for the little guy. I love it,” said a user on social media.



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