Due to acts of corruption and abuse, crane operators surround SICT facilities – El Sol de México

Due to acts of corruption and abuse, crane operators surround SICT facilities – El Sol de México

Fed up with abuse and bureaucracy, carriers and crane operators surrounded the Guadalajara Metropolitan Areaby its four entrances and then surround the building of the Central delegation of the Secretariat of Infrastructure, Communications and Transport (SICT).

The dissatisfied accuse that they have been relegated, they requested a regulation and in the same way, that the charges for crane services be regulated. If they were not listened to, they threatened to block the roads.

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In the offices of the Jalisco Center of the Secretariat of Infrastructure, Communications and Transportation (SICT), delivered a request document. The vice president of the National Confederation of Mexican Transporters (Conatram), Manuel Sánchez Benavides announced that the demonstration is for the purpose of your requests reach the president Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

“Perhaps we would have to hold a demonstration on the highways in this sense, it would not be towards the centers, but directly to the highways that are the responsibility of the Ministry of Communications and Transportation,” said Diego Bolio, a Conatram delegate in Jalisco, who said that nothing of the regulation has to be revised because it has already been concluded, for this reason “the response must be immediate.

The carriers left at six in the morning from Periférico and highway Zapotlanejo, taking the avenue of Lázaro Cárdenas until the offices of the SICT; from López Mateos avenue to Lázaro Cárdenas; from Avenida Vallarta and Periférico to Lázaro Cárdenas and the Saltillo highway, along the extension of Avenida Alcalde to the offices of the Secretary of Administration and Secretary of Mobility.

Around nine in the morning, the delegate of the National Confederation of Mexican Transporters (Conatram) Jalisco, Diego Bolio, gave the starting signal in the area of ​​the Revolución node and Lázaro Cárdenas, while the Highway units began to open the way for the contingent that circulated at a maximum speed of 40 kilometers per hour.

It was only in the SICT where a manifesto was presented received by the general director of Autotransporte, Ernesto Rubiowho only offered to send the document to the corresponding instances.

“We hope that this demonstration achieves its objective, that the new regulation for tow truck service providers is authorized and subsequently published in the Official Gazette of the Federation and thus in the future avoid problems with tow truck service providers that Since there is no regulation in its different modalities, they charge us excessively high charges,” he said.

Diego Bolio Coronaa Conatram delegate in Jalisco mentioned that the demonstration was carried out responsibly “we have not had any incidents, we have apologized to the citizens for the problems we caused them, but it is something that had to be done to deliver this document to the passivity it has had”.

Both leaders offered apologies to the affected citizens on the way of his caravan made up of around 170 units and which departed from various points.

The urgency of this regulation is to prevent them from being victims of overcharging by tow truck owners since they have had accidents where they are required to pay up to 500,000 pesos to remove the units from the ditches or ravines without an explanation or breakdown of that cost.

Faced with this situation, they point out that this type of service should not go beyond 50 thousand pesos in case of needing industrial cranes to remove the unit or merchandise, because the high costs are equivalent, according to the carriers, to the value of the vehicle.

Currently, the National Association of Mexican Crane Entrepreneurs (Agruas) calculates that in Jalisco they operate between 100 and 200 pirate cranes.

Originally posted on the western


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