De Ketelaere and returning Ibrahimovic fill in for winning Milan | Football

AC Milan won 2-0 at home against Atalanta. Zlatan Ibrahimovic came on – just like Charles De Ketelaere – and made his first minutes in 280 days after injury.

De Ketelaere and Ibrahimovic came together between the lines with fifteen minutes left on the clock. At that point it was already 1-0 thanks to an own goal from Atalanta goalkeeper Musso – the goalie deflected a Hernandez shot against the post with his back into his own goal. Very unhappy. A few minutes before the end, Junior Messias decided the game by recording the 2-0 final score.

For Ibrahimovic, the fifteen minutes was his first appearance in 280 days. The Swede was sidelined for a long time with a knee injury. At 41 years and 146 days, he passed Alessandro Costacurta as the oldest Milan player to play in Serie A since three points are awarded in a win.

Thanks to the victory, Milan is in second place next to city rivals Inter, eighteen points behind leader Napoli.





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