Cuban Health Collaborators Travel to Mexico (Photos) – Radio Reloj, Cuban time and news station

They fire a group of health collaborators who travel to Mexico


February 9, 2023

Cuban Health Collaborators Travel to Mexico (Photos)

Dr. Tania Margarita Cruz Hernández, first deputy minister of Public Health, fired this Thursday the last group of Cuban collaborators who will provide medical assistance in Mexico

Havana Cuba. – Dr. Tania Margarita Cruz Hernández, first deputy minister of Public Health, fired this Thursday the last group of Cuban collaborators who will provide medical assistance in Mexico.

At the Central Medical Cooperation Unit, Dr. Santiago Badía González, general secretary of the National Union of Health Workers, said that this brigade, made up of 61 professionals, is the 11th that will comply with the commitment to send specialists from the highest qualification to serve the brother Mexican people.

We trust that their knowledge, unlimited vocation to this sublime profession, the humanism that characterizes them and the high altruism they possess are necessary complements for that people to accept them as their children, he said.

Badía González thanked the Mexican government for the trust placed in health professionals and stated that they are the foundation of a strong, lasting and sincere cooperation.

Dr. Orleidys Torres Quintana, on behalf of the collaborators, said that the mission is to save lives and thereby contribute to increasing the quality and well-being of families in need.

He pointed out that respecting the health protocols, customs, traditions, culture and identity of Mexicans is the responsibility of each professional.

The members of the medical brigade will reaffirm the ideal that a better world is possible, we will conquer with love, professionalism and respect the recognition of our patients and we will return to the homeland with our duty fulfilled, concluded.

Taken from the MINSAP Facebook account


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