Crowds of Mobile Brigade Members Shouted to Create a Riot at the Adjudication Session Arena

CNN Indonesia

Wednesday, 15 Feb 2023 07:10 WIB

Dozens of Brimob members made noise by shouting and cheering in front of the Kanjuruhan Tragedy courtroom, at the Surabaya District Court (PN), Tuesday (14/2).: CNN Indonesia/Farid

Surabaya, CNNIndonesia

Dozens of members Brimob making a fuss by shouting and cheering in front of the courtroom Trial Tragedyat the Surabaya District Court (PN), Tuesday (14/2).

The behavior of the members of Mobile Brigade became the first sight that had occurred during the Kanjuruhan Tragedy being tried at the Surabaya District Court. This Brimob action was also reprimanded by court security officers.

Based on observation at the location, dozens of Brimob personnel in black uniforms had packed the corridor connecting the courtroom to the prosecutor’s room and the Surabaya District Court waiting room since noon.

At first they only guarded without neat lines, they stood huddled with each other. As a result, the PN area is congested. Visitors can’t even pass if they don’t open the line.

But at around 15.40 WIB, when the trial was suspended because of the Asar prayer and was about to start again, dozens of Brimob suddenly started screaming.

Precisely when the Public Prosecutor (JPU) and several lawyers for the accused, passed by and were about to re-enter the courtroom, after the trial was suspended.

“Brigade, brigade, brigade, brigade!,” shouted dozens of Brimob, over and over again.

Dozens of Brimob also cheered when the three Kanjuruhan Tragedy defendants were again brought in by officers to the Cakra Room.

The three defendants are former Danki 1 Mobile Brigade Police for East Java AKP Hasdarmawan, former Head of Ops for Malang Police Commissioner Wahyu Setyo Pranoto and former Head of Samapta Malang Police AKP Bambang Sidik Achmadi.

One of the Brimob members even deliberately shaped his hands into a round shape like a funnel, so that his screams would be heard louder.

One of the prosecutors, Rahmat Hary Basuki, was then seen protesting against this Brimob shout, to the defendant’s lawyer.

“I will report it. This is not conducive,” said Hary to the lawyer.

Seeing the commotion, the security officer at the Surabaya District Court then reprimanded the Brimob, who was screaming.

“Please don’t shout, the trial is not this trial [Kanjuruhan] wrote, there is another trial,” said one security.

However, the dozens of Brimob still did not respect the officer’s appeal. They shouted again several times.

“Brigade, brigade, brigade!” they shouted.

The security forces then asked the Brimob leader or commander to control his troops. They then shifted, and no longer crowded the area in front of the courtroom.

Where is this commander? (where is the commander),” said security.

Surabaya District Court Public Relations Representative, Anak Agung Gede Pranata, said he himself had heard the commotion.

He also asked and appealed to all parties to obey order in the Surabaya District Court. Both inside and outside the court, without exception.

“After this, all parties are asked to comply with the rules of conduct within the Surabaya District Court. Because order at the Surabaya District Court does not only need to be carried out in the courtroom, but in all environments, corners, and so on,” he said.

Head of Public Relations of the Surabaya Polrestabes, Kompol Muhammad Fakih, meanwhile, claimed that dozens of Brimob were indeed on guard at the Surabaya District Court, because there were more visitors than usual.

“Earlier, when the prosecutor then the lawyers left, Brimob made a posse because there were many visitors and in the end, the queue was not evicted by the security guard. From the visitor, there was a judge who reminded me not to be busy, not to make noise,” said Fakih.

During the trial, several times the Panel of Judges also had time to reprimand the visitors because they were considered disturbing. One of them was the Bonek representative who accompanied the Persebaya Official as a witness.

However, Fakih said that Brimob’s shouting was not an order from Polrestabes or the East Java Regional Police.

“There isn’t any [perintah] earlier, the chief of intelligence was there when the prosecutor and lawyer left the trial they guarded the posse because there were lots of people screaming too,” he added.


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