Champions League, Borussia Dortmund-Chelsea and Brugge-Benfica LIVE

“We had studied Chelsea after the outcome of the draw but, in light of the winter transfer market, several things have changed in their squad. Some old players have left and new ones have arrived. I don’t know which formation they will take the field with, but it doesn’t matter, we focus on ourselves and on how to face the match”. Thus Edin Terzic, coach of Borussia Dortmund, on the eve of the Champions League round of 16 first leg against the ‘Blues’, speaking at a press conference. “We’re currently in great shape, but not yet 100% – adds the Gialloneri coach -. The championship, however, doesn’t count and has nothing to do with it, because in the Champions League you start from scratch. I see everyone involved, the young players believe in our project, we are working well. We need to win tomorrow and everything can become easier with 80,000 people rooting for you.”



“It’s going to be a great game, against a fantastic team and club, in a stadium with 80,000 fans. It’s a wonderful occasion and we can’t wait to get on the pitch: I’m really excited.” So Graham Potter, manager of Chelsea, on the eve of the first leg of the round of 16 of the Champions League, on the field of Borussia Dortmund. “We want to make things difficult for Terzic in these two games, for the rest I wish him all the best. He’s a humble, very intelligent, creative boy – adds the London coach -. He has accumulated experience and it’s enough to see the quality of his work to realize it”. “The market? When you spend a lot of money, expectations increase, but then we have to win. Football, however, is not an exact science. Money doesn’t buy you success, you have to do your job. Even if, 95% of championships is determined by finances. Sometimes players are not enough, but other times they help to win.”

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