Caressa and Zazzaroni: “This is how Lazio Sampdoria will end”

Football Club sui risultati delle prossime partite della ventiquattresima giornata di Serie A. I due giornalisti hanno fatto il punto su Lazio-Sampdoria […]"/>Football Club sui risultati delle prossime partite della ventiquattresima giornata di Serie A. I due giornalisti hanno fatto il punto su Lazio-Sampdoria […]"/>Caressa and Zazzaroni: “This is how Lazio Sampdoria will end”

They said



Fabio Caressa and Ivan Zazzaroni’s prediction on the match between Lazio and Sampdoria: who is betting on biancocelesti and blucerchiati

Fabio Caressed e Ivan Zazzaronias usual, gave their prediction to the microphones of Deejay Football Club on the results of the upcoming matches of the twenty-fourth day of Serie A. The two journalists took stock of Lazio-Sampdoria and the opinions are in agreement. In fact, for both, it will be the Biancoceleste team that will triumph in Monday evening’s match at the stadium Olympic.


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