Basketball: Marmande receives the last of Nationale 2, the GAB goes to Dax

The victory against the leader, the ESMS, did a lot of good in the minds of the Garonne. (©Stewart Abela)

This Saturday, February 4, 2023 at 8 p.m., Mathieu Auriol and the Garonne Avenir Basket du Marmandais are going to Dax for an oh-so-important match in National 2 basketball.

“The group is moving forward, I hope we have reached a milestone. We will have to be even more applied to Dax, harder and more killer still. We have a great shot to play, before two big games at home ”analyzes Adrien Ferrer.

Indeed, a success in Dax can be a turning point and allow the Gabistes to aim high… After three losses in a row (including one in the Cup), the GAB finally got back on track on Saturday against the ESMS after a full game. of envy (98-91). The ex-leader therefore fell on Garonne soil.

The BBM at Mons developer

As for the BBM, times are more difficult. The defeat (4th at home this season) against Castelnau (81-83) hurt a lot. Despite everything, the collective clung to Horsarrieu.

If he is not really in danger as far as the rage zone is concerned, BB Marmande must beat the Mons red lantern on Saturday evening at the Collinéum. It is an obligation. At least if Arnaud Bruzac’s teammates want to try to play something at the end of the season…

Expected reaction from both teams.

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