Baoji City People’s Government Portal County District News The first “Yanchang Petroleum Cup” three-person basketball league Baoji Division launching ceremony in Shaanxi Province was held in Long County

The launching ceremony of the first “Yanchang Petroleum Cup” three-person basketball league Baoji Division in Shaanxi Province was held in Long County

Source: People’s Government of Long County
Release time: 2023-02-28 08:16

Recently, the launching ceremony of the Baoji Division of the first “Yanchang Petroleum Cup” three-person basketball league in Shaanxi Province was held in Long County. Wang Libin, chairman of the Provincial Basketball Association, Bi Zhouhai, director of the Municipal Sports Bureau, and Li Weifang, county magistrate, attended the ceremony. Deputy county magistrate Zhao Xiaodong presided over the ceremony.

Li Weifang, the county magistrate, said in his welcome speech that the launching ceremony of the Baoji Division of the first “Yanchang Oil Cup” three-person basketball league in Shaanxi Province was held in our county. Strength, a good opportunity to promote the image of our county. Under the guidance of the Municipal Sports Bureau, our county will carefully organize and deploy, and go all out to provide the best service for the league, and strive to make this league a high-level, high-quality basketball event. The County Bureau of Education and Sports should take this event as an opportunity to speed up the deployment of the 2023 national fitness activities, and guide more people to participate in the national fitness and exercise to strengthen their bodies. At the same time, it is hoped that all athletes will fully carry forward the competitive sports spirit of friendship first and competition second, compete in a civilized manner, work hard, develop style and level of competition, and achieve a double harvest of competition results and spiritual civilization.

Wang Libin, chairman of the Provincial Basketball Association, made a congratulatory speech before the game, and Bi Zhouhai, director of the Municipal Sports Bureau, announced the start of the first “Yanchang Petroleum Cup” three-person basketball league in Baoji.

In the first game, the Longzhong No. 1 team played against No. 2 High School. On the field, the two teams were brave and tenacious, daring to fight hard. The players tore through the opponent’s defense through ingenious passes, screens, two-over-one cooperation, etc., and made beautiful steals, large-scale transfers, three-step layups, etc., to maintain a high level of competition. Efficiency goals, showing a high technical and tactical level, won applause from the audience.

The league event lasted for three days and was held in the county gymnasium. During the competition period, more than 200 basketball fans from 39 representative teams, including Bald Hunan Cuisine, Dongfeng Lihuo, and Longzhong No. 1 Team, will compete fiercely in 86 games.


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