Badminton – N3. Easy winners, the badistes of Alençon were full of confidence

The Alençonnais Lison Mesnil-Perret and Louis-Théo Hamard on the attack. ©L’Orne Hebdo

before the opposition against Maromme (Seine-Maritime), the badminton playersAlencon (Orne) were under pressure.

They are group leaders sure, but Argentan was in ambush.

La Bayard and its leaders were opposed to Le Havre to aim for 1st place.

The match took place exceptionally at the Montfoulon gymnasium, in Damigny, because the traditional Sports Hall was monopolized by the youngest on the occasion of a day of interregional circuit which continues this Sunday, February 12.

An easy victory

The Alençon team knew that the result of its match against Maromme, the biggest structure in Normandy, was going to be decided when the teams were made up.

Reserve of a formation accustomed to the games of the National 1, the opponents of the Blues were not ultimately so terrible.

As proof, Marine Loncle, Liza Chevreau or Fabien Beaugeois were ranked respectively R6, D7 and R6.

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Overmotivated, the Alençonnais managed to win 8-0 and get the offensive bonus point.

Tom Germain participated in the festival against Maromme.
Tom Germain participated in the festival against Maromme. ©L’Orne Hebdo

Thanks to the two simple men

Pour Charlotte Linero, this victory “is not what a bonus, but the opposite team was supposed to be stronger. However, we had to be serious! »

She won easily, “despite a little back pain. »

This final victory came to fruition thanks to the two men’s singles won by Tom Germain and Théo Gallou.

“Tom should have won in straight sets. He was stronger on paper, but he was sick”, admits Yann Lemeslé.

Before Argentan, the Prefecturals have a significant advantage.

The results

Club Alençonnais Badminton – Maromme DMSA (B): 8-0.

single man 1. Tom Germain (N2, CAB) defeats Alexandre Hautot (N2, MDMSA), 21-10, 22-24, 21-15.

Single man 2. Théo Gallou (N3, CAB) bats Elie Burgot (N3, MDMSA), 21-14, 21-12.

Simple dame 1. Diane Lemesle (N2, CAB) bat Marine Loncle (R6, MDMSA), 21-7, 21-8.

Simple dame 2. Charlotte Linero (N3, CAB) defeats Liza Chevreau (D7, MDMSA), 21-7, 21-3.

Double man 1. Tom Germain (N1, CAB) and Louis-Théo Hamard (N3, CAB) beat Fabien Beaugeois (R5, MDMSA) and Élie Burgot (N2, MDMSA), 21-10, 21-11.

Double dames 1. Audrey Lecavelier (N3, CAB) and Lison Mesnil-Perret (N3, CAB) beat Élise Blondel (R5, MDMSA) and Marine Loncle (R6, MDMSA), 21-16, 21-15.

Double mixte. Théo Gallou (N3, CAB) and Diane Lemesle (N3, CAB) beat Alexandre Hautot (N2, MDMSA) and Liza Chevreau (R5, MDMSA), 21-14, 21-12.

Double mixte 2. Louis-Théo Hamard (N3, CAB) and Lison Mesnil-Perret (N3, CAB) beat Fabien Beaugeois (R6, MDMSA) and Élise Blondel (R5, MDMSA), 21-5, 21-9.

Next meeting: Bayard Argentan – Club Alençonnais Badminton, Saturday February 25.

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