Badminton, IN MOVIMENTO is the first regional club affiliated to the Italian Federation

It is the first company in Friuli Venezia Giulia officially affiliated to the Italian Badminton Federation (FIBa), the Triestine ASD IN MOVIMENTO, born from the sensitivity of its president, prof. Fabio Sergi, professor of Exercise Science at ITIS Volta, and the enthusiasm of a group of enthusiasts, who started training in the gym of the Lucchini recreation center in via Biasoletto 14, in the San Luigi district, in November. A group above all of teachers who promote badminton in their respective schools, to which were added players of the discipline of racket and shuttlecock, mostly foreigners, from France, Germany, Austria and Spain, who had already practiced this sport at home . Among them Julio Ortega Gonzalez, an engineer by profession, but who played at good levels in Madrid, and in possession of the 1st European level, who in the Trieste badminton group assumed the role of coach. An expanding discipline with the establishment of the Regional Delegation (This email address is protected from spambots. You need to enable JavaScript to view it.), which finds positive results in the world of schools (March 27/28 in Trieste the Regional Phase of the Student Championships), of the municipal recreation centers of Trieste, where since last summer, badminton has been introduced among the proposed disciplines, and which, in addition to the Julian capital, has also shown interest in the other provinces, where other sports realities should soon join, to create a federal circuit, which was lacking in one of the sportiest regions in Italy.


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