Badminton arrives at the fair for the first time at the “San Giuseppe” in Casale

Casale Monferrato – The regional exhibition of San Giuseppe in Casale Monferrato has always been the socio-economic showcase of the area. Sporting events, however, have never been lacking like boxing or swordplay in the recent past.
The 2023 edition, among the many innovations it brings, also brings a new absolute premiere. This is the presence of badminton, one of the most practiced sports in the world but which in Italy has often been, unjustly, judged as a simple game. This sport has one of its Piedmontese cradles in the Province of Alessandria with top level clubs both in Acqui Terme (in the past three times Italian team champion) and in Novi Ligure, with the Boccardo Novi team that plays in the top flight and is today the eighth Italian club which boasts, after 21 years of activity, 50 members, a team engaged in the top flight, two athletes, Anna Boveri and Silvia Corradi, who have worn the national team shirt, participation of their athletes in European championships, national championships, various titles and medals in the various categories.
The company is based in Novi Ligure in via Ferrando Scrivia 24 in Novi Ligure, the president is Teodor Stan, head coach Andrea Demicheli, together with assistant coaches Alessandro Stan, Francesco Motta and Federico Demicheli.
In Casale Monferrato the presence of the Badminton Novi athletes is scheduled from 6 pm to 10 pm on 16 March 2023, in a specially created space within the Exhibition. In this period of time they will demonstrate the charm of this sport and for those who want it will be possible to approach the discipline for the first time.

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