Archery competition on the banks of the Loir

Saint-Maur-sur-le-Loir. 300 archers in competition on the banks of the Loir. The Archers of Bonneval organized this weekend a nature archery competition in the superb setting of the Loir Valley and the Baignon pond, in Saint-Maur-sur-le-Loir.

Conditions conducive to shooting at animal targets with classic or more modern bows.

On Saturday, 120 archers, men and women, from several regions of France, were in the running to score points in this qualifier counting for the French championship which will take place this year in Plœuc-sur-Lié (Côtes d’Armor ). All categories of weapons were represented.

On Sunday, a new competition was opened with 180 archers entered, including a dozen members of the Bonnevalais club and Jeanne Soirat, bronze medalist in Blanquefort (Gironde).


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