Alessandro Montanari renews with Athletics Bologna | Baseball Mania

Alexander Montanari

The construction of the Athletics Bologna roster continues in view of the 2023 season. As per practice, sports director Martini started from the foundations of the team by renewing the center fielder Alessandro Montanari, a defensive and offensive fixed point of the yellow-green team in past seasons.

Alessandro “AMont” Montanari fully reflects the project of the Bologna club with the growth of its young players up to the arrival in the senior team. For the athlete from Bologna, born in 1997, it will be the 10th season in the first team and he has become, over the years, the starting center fielder with an excellent defense and a powerful bat as demonstrated by the extrabases made last season, among including 1 home run.

”This is a special year for me: my tenth in the first team with the A’s. I can’t wait to take the field and be able to give my contribution starting from the Opening Day, after having been forced to miss the initial phase of the last two seasons. The team has grown, and I feel we can do a great championship, also with regard to the Qualification Round.” These are the words of the full-back from Bologna after his renewal.

Alexander Montanari

” Last year, a physical setback in the weeks preceding the start of the season conditioned Alessandro who, however, managed to react to this adversity in a positive way, confirming his good defensive skills on the outside center and showing greater consistency in the box than in the past in terms of power. If he has a smooth season in 2023, he undoubtedly has the technical potential to take a further step forward, especially in terms of serving continuity. ” This, on the other hand, is DS Martini’s thought on the renewal of the Bolognese winger.


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