Alcaraz: “I admire Nadal a lot, but Federer was beautiful”

Carlos Alcaraz faces his second tournament of the 2023 season this week in Rio de Janeiro and, while the Murcian competes in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Vogue magazine has published in its English edition an interview in which Alcaraz reveals various curiosities about her figure.

Alcaraz highlighted that, in addition to his talent, he has also worked hard to reach the top. “I’ve always been a very talented kid, but I’ve also always worked hard. Because if you have talent and you don’t make an effort, you’re not going anywhere.”

Regarding his style of play, the Murcian tennis player applauded the achievements of Rafa Nadal, although he confessed that his great reference is Roger Federer. “Rafa Nadal is someone I have always watched. I admire him a lot. But Federer, that class that he has, the way that he made people see tennis, it was beautiful. Seeing Federer is like seeing a work of art. He was elegant and made everything magnificent. I was enchanted by him.”

An Alcaraz who trains Juan Carlos Ferrero, That is how he remembers how his relationship with the tennis player from El Palmar began. “I had heard about him, especially the fact that he did a lot of different things, like dropping or uploading to the net, things that the younger ones don’t do, since they tend to be left behind fighting and running. He is very dynamic, you can see it”

Alcaraz also confessed that he continues to improve his English and that he finds motivation in movies like the Rocky Balboa saga. “I am improving with my English, but I still have a long way to go! As for movies to motivate me, I’m pretty motivated by Sylvester Stallone movies where he plays Rocky Balboa.”

The tennis player also responded to the question about the difficulties in maintaining a formal relationship due to the numerous trips on the circuit. “It is difficult to maintain a relationship by not being in a fixed place all year. It is difficult to find a person to share things with if you are always in different parts of the world”.

Finally, Alcaraz confessed his passion for chess, a sport with which he finds numerous similarities with tennis. “I love chess. You have to be focused to play against someone, have a strategy and think what can happen. I think it’s very similar to what happens on a tennis court. You have to intuit where the other tennis player will go when you hit the ball, you have to get ahead and try to do something that makes you feel uncomfortable. So I play chess a lot.”


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