activities away from screens during the holidays

Direct kick. Arm lock. What is the circle of safety in the event of an attack? Young people having fun. They discover krav maga, its rules of life and all kinds of activities thanks to the Moselle Youth scheme. The Department and the City of Sarrebourg are collaborating this week to offer children and adolescents aged 11 to 17 the opportunity to test various sports and cultural workshops at the socio-cultural center or on other sites.

Every day from 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m., around fifty participants progress from the modeling workshop to the museum, to archery at the Malleray gymnasium, via badminton, fencing, theatre, painting, drawing, athletics.

There are a few places left for latecomers. It costs €5 a week. And for €10 more, powder lovers can sign up for the Champ du Feu outing this Thursday, February 16 for the day.

Move and share

In the meantime, we dance with Anousone Inthyrath, a hip-hop pro from Strasbourg. “The basis for dancing hip-hop is coordination. If you do that from an early age, it’s natural. Otherwise, it takes work,” says the dancer. Choreography or battle (confrontation)? A dozen young people have fun on the track. “My mother made it with her brothers. I was dancing with her at home and I wanted to come to this workshop”, confides Aimna, 11 years old and the rhythm in her skin.

From dancing to outdoor orienteering, holidaymakers move and leave behind screens for a few hours. And you ?

Registration on 06 81 99 60 45.


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