ACSI: Judo and Ju Jitsu “Young Champions” Trophy at the Green Sport Arena – VIDEO

In the facility in the XII Town Hall there was a sold out Sunday, excellent results and above all great fun on the part of the many girls and boys who participated

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On Sunday 19 February the preparatory Judo and Ju Jitsu “Young Champions” trophy was held at the “Green Sport Arena” facility (in the territory of the Rome XII Municipality), organized by ACSI to let girls and boys experience a day of sport , even very small ones, also involving families.

Giancarlo Bagnulo, ACSI manager for martial arts spoke to, underlining the excellent success of the event and the spirit that distinguished it. the next official competitions, in this case the participants were followed in refereeing by referees and chaperones and they all won and all were awarded first place. It was a race that saw a great success in numbers and above all in the ”sharing” spirit for this day of celebration”.

Many girls and boys with a jovial environment and an important participation of the public “The goal – notes Bagnulo – was to entertain them and no child shed a tear, they were all happy, all rewarded and happy and satisfied parents, and for we this is a great success. Instead, if even just a child had shed a tear, it would have been a defeat for us”.

Obviously the technical level expressed by the participants is also important, which bodes well for the future, as the title of the competition, ”Young Champions”, recalls.

“The level – underlines Bagnulo – was really high, compared to children who are very young, but there are qualified teachers of the highest level. Let’s hope that some champions go out, but in my opinion, even if he doesn’t go out, he has already won today, coming here to participate in the race ”.

At the Radiocolonna microphone also two young protagonists, Anna and Giulia, who underline the importance of playing sports and being together. Compared to the ACSI day, they tell their impressions, the first saying that it is “an emotion you don’t feel every day, in fact your legs tremble when you get on the tatami…”, while for the second the important thing is to underline the fun of the day “It was a beautiful day – she says – with a little bit of anxiety at the beginning, but then we had fun because judo is a beautiful sport, you do beautiful things and I invite everyone to come and try it”.


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