Accused of rape, Dani Alves counterattacks in a video

Accused of rape by a 23-year-old young woman, Brazilian Dani Alves still denies the charges against him in Spain. He claims to have had a consensual relationship with his accuser in the reserve of a Barcelona nightclub on the evening of December 30, 2022. He faces up to four years behind bars for acts of sexual assault.

Placed in pre-trial detention since January 20, Dani Alves on Tuesday made a request for release on bail with the wearing of an electronic bracelet to avoid remaining incarcerated. According to the Spanish press, he gave justice a video to prove his innocence. We do not know the content of this video.

According to his lawyers, these images “radically deny” the story of the alleged victim. They would not highlight a climate of “terror, fear and domination” between Dani Alves and the young woman as she claims. Moreover, in the 24 pages of the file concerning the player’s request for release, the defense lawyers argue that the video of the two protagonists is sufficient, according to them, to cast a “reasonable doubt” vis-à-vis the complainant’s version at the time of her appearance before the investigating judge. The lawyers insist on the version of a consent report. Remember that in Spain, the presumption of innocence benefits the accused and therefore Dani Alves.

The “consensual report” nevertheless goes the opposite of the first versions of the Brazilian. He initially denied any sexual relationship, consented or forced, with the complainant. According to his lawyers, he lied in a “natural and rudimentary” way in order to protect his wife and children from “possibly inappropriate behavior”. After initially supporting her husband accused of sexual assault, his wife has since filed for divorce, according to Spanish media.


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