A new batting cage will be installed soon in Coteau-du-Lac

During the summer season, a batting cage will be installed at the Yvon-Geoffrion Park baseball field in Coteau-du-Lac. The municipal council gave its approval to the project of the organization Baseball Soulanges.

According to the information communicated during the regular meeting of the Coteau-du-Lac municipal council, held on February 14 and chaired by councilor François Vallières who acted as deputy mayor, this initiative aims to meet a need identified in the plan director of parks for the City of Coteau-du-Lac.

« The new batting cage would fill an obvious need. During the summer season, the baseball field is used on a daily basis by Baseball Soulanges, which oversees the project. Moreover, the total cost of this installation is $21,000. The Town undertakes to contribute financially for a maximum of $7,000 while the sports association will disburse the remaining amount. The amount was raised through sponsors, fundraising activities and a $10,000 grant.said the deputy mayor who represents District 2 (Georges-Jules Beaudet) when he does not occupy this role.

For his part, the District 6 (Édouard-Dumesnil) councilor, Patrick Delforge, congratulated Baseball Soulanges for his “great work” in the file and for having raised the necessary sum to make the project a reality.


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