A fearless Festival

FESTIVAL. EVENT. Granby Multi-Sports (GMS) has decided to break the ice by launching for the first time a winter version of its Sports Festival after the success of the summer edition. Citizens are invited, on February 18 at Parc Daniel-Johnson, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., to try a dozen activities for free in an atmosphere of sports and family celebration.

In addition to the usual winter sports such as hockey, skating and snow sliding, the event organizers also wanted to highlight sports practiced more in the summer such as badminton, mini-volleyball , bubble soccer, volleyball, archery, disc golf and spikeball.

GMS members had to deal with the availability of their partners and the equipment they already had to select the sports to promote during the Festival. “We looked with our partners who wish to participate and those who were available. Others did not want to participate in this first edition, but we are sure that they will come back next year when they will see the success of the festival,” quipped Valérie Morin, head of events and sports development at GMS.

Visitors can also try out the giant hockey station or take advantage of the many free rental items during the festival. Tubes and sleds, snowshoes, skates and skater’s aid will be available on site. Outdoor fireplaces will warm up participants and the Roger-Bédard pavilion will remain open for heat breaks and breaks. Finally, hot chocolate, Mr. Puffs and taffy on snow will satisfy the taste buds of visitors of all ages.

“This first Winter Sports Festival will be an opportunity for Granbyennes and Granbyens to come together to celebrate their passion for winter sports. Our city is characterized by its proximity to nature and its outdoor beauty, a perfect environment to enjoy the joys of the cold season and stay active,” said Julie Bourdon, mayor of the city.

People on site will be able to participate in a draw through which they can win many door prizes such as a $150 Empire gift card and free item rentals at Daniel-Johnson and Terry-Fox parks.

Participation coupons are available by registering for the event (free of charge) on https://lepointdevente.com/billets/festivaldusportdhiver, by participating in on-site activities and by answering the satisfaction survey and publishing it on the networks. social.


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