4 players attempt an improbable comeback, the Lakers involved?

Like many other franchises, the Lakers will be looking to recruit in the coming weeks. A free agent remains a fairly serious option, especially since the suitors are numerous. Marc Stein has just revealed that 4 veterans have not given up on the idea of ​​returning to the league. Something to interest Rob Pelinka perhaps.

Now that the trade deadline has passed, franchises are focusing on the free agent market. Players like Patrick Beverley and John Wall are available, while Russell Westbrook wants to allow time for reflection. This is why some teams prefer to stall, hoping to attract the best FA on the market.

4 veterans on their way back to the NBA

However, other names are available to help a franchise in the next playoffs. In his latest article, insider Marc Stein reveals that 4 veterans want to try a return to the NBA. We find in particular LaMarcus Aldridge, who has already passed a few tests this week to prove himself…

Marc Stein has just indicated that DeMarcus Cousins, Isaiah Thomas, LaMarcus Aldridge and Carmelo Anthony are actively trying to find a new team, likely before March 1.

3 former Lakers in the lot. Hard not to see the connection with the team of LeBron James, especially since his great friend Carmelo Anthony is in it, and the Purple and Gold want to recruit. The question being: are they able to shine on an NBA floor today? You may have some doubts.

In the comments, one name seems to be more debated than the others:

Melo, Boogie and maybe LA, if they don’t mess around, are good enough to end up on teams.

IT? I don’t know.

We are heading for several unlikely comebacks for the NBA by March 1, it remains to be seen whether these veterans will find a place or not. One thing is certain: they will have to carry out some tests before signing with a team. No doubt the Lakers won’t be far away…


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