250 recipes to lose weight with the Cuisiner Minceur program

To help you apply my advice on weight loss while making you happy, I invite you to discover the most 250 recipes to lose weight Slimming Cooking.

Created by Karen Losier and Dave Ruel, this healthy eating program promises to show you how to boost your metabolism the natural way to lose weight.

Moreover, it achieves this goal by giving you the pleasure of eating delicious food. This guide presents an interesting approach to losing weight. Thanks to it, you will be able to improve your metabolism and encourage your body to burn more fat by eating the right foods.

This can help you lose weight faster because you’ll be working with your body rather than against it.

Recipes to lose weight while having fun

This slimming program developed by 2 fitness specialists in the United States is truly remarkable. In addition, it is within reach of anyone for 19 € HT (including 10 € discount thanks to Sport Chez Soi).

I’ll be honest with you, and you know I don’t have a lot of language: His French sales page is full of mistakes (the USA version is much better). But hey, it’s not a French class, fortunately ????

I also find that the name of the program is badly chosen in French. It is called Metabolic Cooking in English, in other words Metabolic Cooking.

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Why do I find the name badly chosen?

Because the recipes offered allow you to lose weight, of course. But they also allow you to gain pounds if you want more muscle volume. In other words, it’s a bit swiss army knife of nutrition.

You will do with it what you want. Which means that Karine Losier and Dave Ruel’s 250 recipes can follow you throughout your life.

Why do I like Lean Cooking recipes?

As I said before, I like simple techniques. We take our heads off enough as it is, don’t you think?

Here is an example to show you the simplicity of the method:

Recipes to lose weight Slimming Cooking

You decide to cook Tuscan chicken. Of course, I’m not going to give you the recipe since I don’t have the rights to this method.

But you just need to know that on a single page you will find:

  1. The list of ingredients for 4 servings (in the green box on the left).
  2. Preparation instructions on the right side.
  3. Nutrition details at bottom right. For this recipe, we know that each serving provides 295 calories, 33g protein, 25g carbs, and 7g fat.

In the same way, when you prepare balls of truffles with almonds for dessert, you will know immediately that you will consume 274 calories, 7 g of protein, 21 g of carbohydrates 18 g of lipids.

It is the same for the 250 recipes of Karine and Dave, without forgetting the 53 protein smoothies of Joel Marion and Tim Skwiat offered in addition.

And what is remarkable is that their weight loss recipes are very good. Really, it’s a change from all the tasteless stuff we try to feed to those who want to get rid of their fat.

Here is what a faithful reader wrote to me (thank you again, Sandrine):

I also bought Slimming Cooking. I’m on week 5 of the plan. I am conquered!!! Thank you so much for introducing me to this program. It takes more time with shopping lists and meal preparation, but it’s definitely worth it. I am really surprised by the flavors of the preparations. And I am convinced that this diet is relevant.

Besides, I know that quite a few of my readers have already bought it. Your opinion interests me!

What does Slimming Cooking contain?

There are many things included in the program provided in PDF format. It includes among others:

  • 9 cookbooks focusing on different foods. The themes are vegetarian dishes, breakfasts, snacks, fish and seafood, side dishes, red meats, pork and poultry, smoothies and snacks;
  • 10 rules you should keep in mind when deciding what to cook;
  • The Nutritional Guide and Fat Loss Optimization Book;
  • Delicious and healthy salad ideas that will help boost your metabolism while tasting great;
  • Sheets to make your life easier with, for example, a food diary or shopping lists.

And that’s just part of what you’ll find there…


Hundreds of recipes to lose weight at low cost

If you want to test it, take advantage of 10 euro discount and one 60-day money-back guarantee by clicking on the image below:

Recipes to lose weight Slimming Cooking

In all, it will make you more than 300 recipes less than 8 cents including tax per recipe! I don’t know any better on the market, apart from free of course.

This method is really great for cooking as healthily as possible.

In addition, a tool that will make your life easier for calculating portions is a kitchen scale.

>>Click here to discover this discounted program<

Benefits of these recipes for slimming

All the dishes offered are prepared with common ingredients that you will find in any supermarket. You won’t need to buy them in specialty stores or order them online.

The recipes are clear, simple and easy to follow. So you don’t need to be a chef to cook them. The diet can be personalized according to your lifestyle and your morphological type. So you are sure to get great results.

The diet is very varied, which will prevent you from falling into a routine. It’s important not to give up.
Additionally, this program has a 60-day money-back guarantee. So if it doesn’t work for you, you can just ask them for a refund.

cheap weight loss program

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