you can play baseball

In Quartu there will be a space, the first open and public one, to play baseball. It will be born in one of the football fields in the Is Arenas area, and the ground will be used alternately with the various football teams who want to train on the historic Quartu 2000 ground. This is the novelty that comes linked to the future sports center in Quartu: confirmed the restyling of the grandstands, the expansion of the soccer field which can also be used for 11-a-side matches, the fitness and jogging trail plus areas to guarantee sport for the disabled as well. To the resources already in the municipal coffers, today 455 thousand euros have been added, arrived from the Region, plus another 245 of municipal co-financing. Additional money that will allow more sporting works to be carried out. The work will begin by the end of the summer, first it will be necessary to entrust the work. The construction times are not long, barring unforeseen events, the new sports area will see the light by Christmas 2024. Meanwhile, March will be the decisive month for the future of the main field and athletics track. The dispute between Cagliari Calcio and the Municipality is nearing its conclusion. This is why, at the moment, the field and track have been excluded from the intervention plan. But, even if the judge were to find the municipal administration wrong, the municipal administration explained that the future of the area is traced: the redevelopment will also be carried out in the hectares that saw the Red Blue.



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