What is your Chinese sign?

This Sunday, January 22, we celebrated the Chinese New Year under the sign of the rabbit.

Credit: pixabay.com

This Sunday, we celebrated the passage into the Chinese New Year! The year of the tiger in 2022 gives way to the rabbit as the zodiac sign in 2023. But where do these animal signs come from, how are they assigned? And how do you know yours?

An animal race

The legend says that everything comes from a race or a contest between twelve animals. According to some Chinese beliefs, all the animals were arguing about their place in the Chinese calendar and they all wanted to be first. To decide between them, the Jade Emperor, the most powerful god, organized a race. He announced to the animals that the first to pass the door of his palace would occupy the first place in the order of the cycle. Twelve places were up for grabs.

The rat and the cat were good friends, but the second liked to get up late and asked the rat to wake him up in the morning for the run. Except that the rat wanted to arrive first, so he didn’t keep his word and got on the back of the ox, which was the first to leave for the Jade Emperor’s palace.

If this did not bother the ox at all, the latter was fooled since when he wanted to cross the door of the palace, the rat rushed to get ahead of him and arrive first at the feet of the Jade Emperor. The rat won the race. Next in order, the tiger finishes third, 4e rabbit, 5e dragon, snake 6e and the horse, 7e. The goat, 8e and the monkey 9e. The rooster 10efollowed by dog ​​11e and the pig finished twelfth of the animals.

Every 12 years, we return to the first animal, the rat. The cycle started again in 2020.

And the cat in all this? Too disappointed to have been had, he did not take part in the race…

And your sign?

It’s based on your date of birth.

Source : garaulion.fr

Source : garaulion.fr


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