Unpaid bonuses, jacuzzi at the stop, treatments at the physiotherapist discounted: in Anderlecht, there are no more small savings

Sunday, Hendrik Van Crombrugge announced after the defeat against Union Saint-Gilloise that the club was no longer counting on him. The management hopes to be able to receive transfer compensation and intends to recover the salary, among the best in the core. This is a new maneuver to redress accounts desperately in the red.

On the sidelines of the forthcoming degreasing, in which could follow Adrien Treble or Lior Refaelovand the departure of Jean Kindermans, landed after twenty years at the club, we learn that Neerpede has become the temple of the candlestick economy. Several players were startled when they noticed that… the jacuzzi allocated to the players of core A was no longer heated, for the sake of saving energy. This is not dramatic in itself, many clubs do not have these comfort facilities, but the signal sent by the management is challenging: that of a club struggling to pay its bills.

Even more surprisingly, when going to the physio, players must now count the number of straps which they use to heal themselves. Some were hallucinated at the sight of this rule, because it is no longer a question here of comfort but of taking care of the players’ main working tool: their body.


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