Unió Básquet Llefià is one of the five ‘Liga Endesa de Corazón’ 2023 stories highlighted

Unió Bàsquet Llefià has been selected as one of the five stories of this year’s ‘Endesa League with Heart’ for its positive impact on society. With more than 30 years of experience, his work as a backbone and cohesion within the social fabric of the neighborhood has made him worthy of this distinction, which should be a boost to make himself known and continue to grow with new synergies around basketball.

‘Liga Endesa de Corazón’ is the social program of Endesa and the ACB that seeks social transformation through sport. Through the Liga Endesa de Corazón Stories initiative, it wants to promote and publicize those social initiatives that, through their activity, are creating a positive impact on the social environment with basketball as the main axis.


Endesa Heart League: UB Llefià

Unió Baloncesto Llefià defines itself as a neighborhood club and for the people of the neighbourhood. It was born from the concern of a group of young people who wanted to play basketball at a time when what was played in the streets was football. And since those beginnings, its work has grown and reached more families until today, in which it already has 21 federated teams and more than 200 families that are part of it. But what distinguishes this club is the ability to make basketball an axis of cohesion and integration within the cultural and social diversity that defines the Llefià neighbourhood. The values ​​that the club promotes are to favor integration, gender equality, equal opportunities and treatment and educational development (both physical and personal).

In this line of making their spirit reach beyond the pavilion, the initiative to take the training to schools arose and, currently, they are already in 9 schools in Badalona and reach 167 children and young people. But the work to be done is a lot and the resources are limited. For this reason, being distinguished as one of the five ‘Endesa Heart Stories’ is an important recognition for the entity, given that, beyond being a candidate to be the winning story (at the end of the season), both from Endesa and The ACB will promote the project through different actions within society while promoting synergies and within the basketball environment. In the case of the Llefià UB, we will also see some of these actions on the occasion of the Endesa Mini Cup, which will be held in its pavilion between February 16 and 19, in fifteen days.

About us?

This year the Copa del Rey is being held in Badalona, ​​and although we are very excited that the Minicopa is being held in our pavilion (Llefià), the reality we live in on a daily basis is different; We are a working-class neighborhood, with many cultural varieties, economic difficulties and far from the center of Badalona. We offer basketball and we take coaches to different schools in the neighborhood, we also carry out different campuses during the year with volunteers from the club. It is increasingly difficult for us to find coaches with titles, schedules for everyone and material to take from one place to another. Joined Basketball Llefià.


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