Under the ex’s house with knives and a baseball bat

Novara, 38, goes to the ex with knives and a baseball bat. She had already threatened her with death several times.

Under the ex’s house with knives and a baseball bat

Officers of the Novara State Police arrested a 38-year-old man, allegedly responsible for persecutory acts against his ex-partner. The man was also deferred for possession of weapons and offensive objects.

The woman, after having found the courage to report twice in recent months the harassing behavior of the man, which resulted in

For several months he had been harassing the woman with hundreds of daily calls and messages and stakeouts in her home; her ex-partner had already denounced him twice. On the afternoon of Tuesday 24 January, while she was in her home with her minor children, the woman received a photo from the man of him in possession of a large switchblade, accompanied by an explicit death threat. Terrified, she locked herself in the house and alerted the police.

The arrest

The crew who intervened, quickly tracked down the reported subject, searched both the vehicle and the man. A baseball bat was found in the trunk, while a box cutter and the flick knife photographed shortly before were found on the alleged offender, hidden in his underwear.

Brought to the police station for arrest, the man was burdened by numerous specific precedents for crimes against the person. Accompanied him to the prison of Novara, here he will await the validation and any measures ordered by the judicial authority.



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