Two identical baseball players have a DNA test to find out if they are related

It is said that each of us has seven doubles around the world and maybe someone has even happened to meet one in person or even virtually. You or someone you know will certainly have had the experience of being amico of someone with whom shares just not the same interestsbut also somatic traits similar. How many times have you asked or heard the question “Are you brothers/sisters? You look so much alike!”.

Something similar happened to two young men baseball players of the minor league. Both of them launchersthe two have a similarity incredible and not only that: they even share it same name. Will they also be related? Let’s find out together.

via Daily mail


Brady Gregory Feigl22 and right, is a native of Missouri and has played baseball in Mississippi and Oakland. Brady Matthew FeiglThe 27-year-old left-handed is a left-handed native of Maryland who played baseball in Mount St. Mary’s and Texas. What do they have in common besides the Name and to profession? Lots of things. In fact, the two young men are both six feet tall and both have a red beard and black-rimmed glasses. Seeing them together, one would say that they are brothers o twins and for this reason, after months of speculation about their possible separation at birth, the two decided to undergo the test of DNA to definitively dispel any doubts.

The two seem not to have each other never met earlier but often they come confused among them for their incredible ssimilarity, whose discovery took place in a doctor’s office they both went to. Six months later, the younger of the two was called back for surgery. “So I found out that there were two of us” he commented. But what will have been theresult of test del DNA?

According to test the two young people non they are nowhere near related. “We will always be brothers in a way” commented the older of the two, while the other added “And we will always be Brady Feigl“. This incredible similarity meanwhile brought him several follower on their channels socialas well as generating numerous funny drawbacks. For example, many fans stop one of the two in the street asking him to sign a card of baseball players in the league, but the card is the one relating to the other namesake.

The two have undeniably found one of their seven lookalikes. Incredible, don’t you think?


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