Trento, the results of the Baseball Winter League: victory for the Allievi del Trentino Aquile

Trent – A Trento the traditional appointment of the Winter League category pupils. Eight formations at the start challenged each other to determine first of all the champion of the Northern group and secondly to have access to the national final, which will also be played in Trento on February 19th.

On the first day, the two Trentino teams of the Trentino Eagles e CUS Trentothe “cousins” of the Pool 77 Bolzano it’s venetian Phoenix Baseball&Softballhosted by the gym in Via Don Milani di Gardolo in Trento North.

In the first match, the hosts of the Eagles and Pool 77 faced each other: the local starter Pegoretti he quickly got rid of the winter rust and in two rounds he conceded only one point scoring 5 Strikeouts; he will also prove himself in offense with a double and two points scored. Relief too Corradini he conceded the bare minimum, just one goal, and closed the game well. In attack, however, the Trentino players took advantage of the difficulties of the South Tyrolean mountain by repeatedly scoring, closing the match 12-2.

The second game was much more fought between the two Trentino teams: the two pitchers Sala e Ravagnan they put up a strong performance in the first two innings and it was only a CUS Segata double that broke the deadlock and put it up 2-0. The last inning instead saw a loss of control of the pitchers who allowed a large number of scores, with Pontalti of CUS who hit a double into the opposite corner of the gymnasium to close out the inning.

CUS Trento remained in the field against Pool 77: the starter Boni’s of Bolzano unleashed an excellent start and to the sound of K conceded only one point, while the attack gets going. The Trentino players manage to score only two points while the Bolzano players spread and close the match 11-2.

Bolzanini who remain on the field to face Phoenix Baseball&Softball: the Venetians take a while to warm up and the starter Venturini allows four runs in the first inning and one in the second; the clubs instead awaken in the lower part and shorten the score to 5-3. The last round suffers a bit from the imprecision of both teams’ pitches, with several bases on balls, which close the match on 9-7 for Bolzano, which thus concludes its group.

It’s now the Venetians’ turn to face CUS Trento: they start well with two points while the pitcher Giovannini grain three strikeouts. But the departing Trentino sawn off recovers and silences the opponent’s attack with as many as six Ks, while the attack manages to transform the opponent’s difficulties and score as many as eight points, thus closing the game, and also one’s daily commitment.

The last meeting sees the Phoenix face the Eagles: the starter from Trentino Pegoretti it’s a bit unloaded and the Venetians take advantage of it by scoring in every recovery, while instead Tillar he is in great shape and scores seven strikeouts, to which he adds the valid hit that closes the last inning and the game for 7-2.

So at the end of almost 8 hours of throws, throws, jokes, smiles and frowns of boys and girls finally engaged in their favorite sport, group A, considering the regulations on exceptions, leads to the final ranking:

1) Trentino Eagles

2) Pool 77 Bolzano

3) CUS Trento

4) Phoenix Baseball&Softball

Everyone thanked the organization of the tournament, the Trentino-Alto Adige referee committee which made it possible to have as many as two referees for each match of the day, the classifier Demattéto all the technicians, managers and parents who allow children to be able to practice this magnificent sport.


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