Toronto Blue Jays signed a left-handed pitcher from Cartagena | THE UNIVERSAL

“I’m very happyIt is a great emotion for me and my family for having fulfilled the dream of achieving a firm. Now we have to work to get to the Major Leagues”, said Anderson Barvosa.

The baseball player highlighted that he handles four pitches “fastball, curveball, changeup and slider. My fastest speed has been 93 miles.”

“We are happy because our organization has signed a great baseball player that in five years we will see him in the Big Top,” Enrique Falcón told El Universal.

The Cartagena scout explained that Barvosa “is a left-handed pitcher with very good projection and a good physique. He has been playing with the Falcón Little League Club since the Pre-Infant category and has always excelled as a pitcher and has become one of the best pitchers in Bolívar and Colombia”.

Barvosa was also in the Little League program in the Nelson Mandela neighborhood, where he showed his qualities.

He has great values ​​and good principles, and his family is of a baseball vein since his father, Benigno Barvosa, was also signed to organized baseball with the Atlanta Braves.

According to Falcón, Barbosa has a powerful fastball that reaches 90 and 92 miles and is helped by his breaking pitches.

In October of last year Barbosa held a tryout where the head of the Toronto Blue Jays Sandy Rosario was present and there his relationship was terminated.

Anderson lives in the Camilo Torres neighborhood with his parents Benigno Barvosa and Lizay Acosta and a sister.

On February 5, he will travel to the Dominican Republic to enroll in training.


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