Three Questembertois receive the medal of the City – Questembert

Questembert’s vows ceremony ended with the presentation of medals from the City to three inhabitants: Monique Thomas, Charline Ruffy and Yves Martinez. Monique Thomas, a citizen of Quebec, is always present at cultural festivities. She joined the culture committee, participates in developing the programming of the Red Moon festival, summer picnics, the Unexpected festival. It welcomes the public and houses the artists. Moved, she explains that she has lived in Questembert for twelve years, “a city we chose, where we didn’t know anyone”.

Charline Ruffy arrived in Questembert about ten years ago. Since 2016, she has been president of the Friendship club. She joined the board of directors of the Ehpad, the CCAS and the Restos du Coeur.

Yves Martinez is the president of the judo club since 1983, is also involved at the departmental level. “It’s always moving. What I enjoy the most is being on the carpet with the children. We are around 80 students, ”he reacts.


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