This is how the Peñarol Palace was left after the destruction of fans of Aguada and Goes

This is how the Peñarol Palace was left after the destruction of fans of Aguada and Goes

Supporters of both clubs clashed from a distance once the game was over and several seats were thrown from the stands, in addition to causing other damage.

“They ripped out between 30 and 40 seats,” revealed to Referee the manager of the Peñarol Palace Jorge Caraballo.

The fans too they emptied a fire extinguisher and broke the use of the mechanism to the other.

That was the smoke that was seen coming out of one of the exit mouths, which is why the Police did not launch pepper spray on the sports scene.

Also they tore the sink from one of the bathrooms and threw it 15 meters awayusing it as a blunt object.

Of the banners, where glass is no longer placed in the Palace because it can break to be used as sharp elements, but there are tables painted black, fSeven of these boards were torn off to be thrown as projectiles.

What will Peñarol do with the expenses generated?

“Normally, the procedure was to survey the expenses and pass them on to the Uruguayan Basketball Federation so that it would later transfer it to the clubs. But that generated a significant gap in order to collect. Now what we do is transfer it to the clubs responsible for the expenses and that they send their people to request budgets in 48 hours. Aguada already gave us a prompt and favorable response,” said Caraballo.

The repair of each seat costs around $1,600 Therefore, only in those repairs, damages of more than $50,000 were generated.

To this we must add the damage to fire extinguishers and bathrooms.

Why didn’t the police come in to repress?

as far as he could tell Refereethe Police did not enter the Peñarol Palace to intervene in the conflict but remained on the outskirts from where they worked so that the fans entered and left through their respective sectors.

Since 2008, the Police withdrew from both soccer and basketball sports venues so that private security guards can guarantee order within the venues.

The National Sports Secretariat headed by Sebastián Bauzá has been asking for several months for the Police to return inside the stadiums, but the Ministry of the Interior has remained under the orders of Luis Alberto Heber in the same position adopted in the era of Héctor Bonomi.

Gerardo Lorente, national manager of Sports, modified the Law of Urgent Consideration (19,534), so that the Police can enter. This is how article 6 of the aforementioned norm was drafted: “(Safety in public entertainment).- Without prejudice to the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic, in Laws No. 18,315, of July 5, 2008, and No. 19,315, of February 18, 2015, and article 3 of this law, and mandatory compliance with the security measures provided by the Ministry of the Interior, security in public shows that take place in a delimited private or public venue for such purposes, it will be the responsibility of the natural or legal persons in charge of the organization, promotion and development of the same, who will count, when appropriate, with the support and assistance of the Ministry of the Interior through the National Police. The owners or administrators of venues, stadiums or other public or private spaces, in which there is a massive gathering of people, must comply with the security measures established in this regard by the regulations issued by the Executive Power for such purposes.

that turn of “who will have, when appropriate, the support and assistance of the Ministry of the Interior through the National Police”, It is what already legally enables the Police to be present in football stadiums.


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